
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Goat Doula

I didn’t grow up around farm animals, but I have to tell you...animal births are nothing short of amazing; instincts kick in and mamas simply. give. birth.  Sometimes, though, they need a little help, and thanks to our kid...this goat kid was given a chance at life. 
Yesterday, we decided to drive up to the ranch to check on the kids born in January. They say timing is everything—and in this case—it was. 

This morning, while feeding the goats, Ella commented that a mama goat looked like she was in labor, so we isolated her in a stall filled with hay to monitor. An hour later, Ella decided she needed to go check on the mama and took off on foot across the field. 

Within minutes, she called from a neighbor’s phone saying, “the hooves are coming out, mom hurry.”  By the time I arrived at the stable, Ella had already helped mama Trample give birth. When I say helped...I mean, “mama, the baby was stuck, and mama needed help so I calmed the mama down and gently helped pull the baby out.”  

When I arrived minutes later, she was alone in the stable covered in afterbirth, calm as a cucumber, holding the shivering kid—while the mama prepared herself for motherhood. Ella’s instincts kicked in, and she simply helped a struggling mama give birth. 
We’re very proud of our brave "goat doula" and also proud to welcome our newest kid, Amore.  

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