This past week has been busy at Fiddlin' Round Ranch. All three pregnant mama goats gave birth. There were squeals at seeing these precious babies for the first time and also tears when we learned some didn't make it through the night.
Star Clan gave birth under the amazing Blood Wolf Super Moon on January 20th. She had twins, but rejected one (Luna) that died the next morning.
Star Clan (mama) and Red Wolf (kid):
Red Wolf
Red Wolf's twin, Luna who passed away
Thursday morning, January 24th, we received a call from neighbors saying another mama (Lily) gave birth to twins. Again, one was rejected, and the other kid didn't make it through the night, so both kids died.
Thursday evening when neighbors went to feed and check on the goats, another mama (Dust Pelt) gave birth in their presence. What a blessing! Being there allowed them the opportunity to ensure mama was in a confined space and caring for her babies. Two of the three remaining kids are still weak; we pray tomorrow brings good news. Seven goats came with the ranch when we purchased it back in Summer. The previous owner said "you don't have to do a thing for the goats...they live off the land." He started with 27 Nubian Milking goats and ended with seven, so we sought the advice and care of experts;). We may be rookie goat owners, but we provided them with food, shelter, vet care, and a whole lot of love since June.
It was such a sweet surprise to find out that three of the seven were pregnant. The gestation period is around 150 days--give or take a week; however, we had no idea when they became pregnant, so we waited...and waited. Of course they gave birth during the cold, wet part of Winter when we weren't there--and during the dark of the night when the rest of the world slept. The neighbors worked tirelessly through the rainy, wet, cold days and nights creating the warmest place possible--and for them, we are truly grateful.
After many conversations with the vet seeking advice on what potentially happened that caused the mamas to reject their babies and guidance on what we could do to prevent it from happening in the future, it's pretty simple: some mamas aren't meant to be mamas and sometimes unforeseen circumstances present themselves. If the mamas reject their kids at birth, and the kids aren't given the proper nourishment, their chances of survival or slim. Throw in the miserably cold, wet winter weather and the odds mount against those sweet, fragile babies.
So, we celebrate the kids that have pulled through thus far. We are thankful for the nurturing mamas and grateful for the little time we had to love on the precious ones that are now back among the stars. Life has its entrance and exit and sometimes both happen in the same day--ready or not.
Life is precious...and fleeting...and worthy of each experience. Enjoy all that is.
Bitter sweet. Thanks for sharing the miracles. Can’t wait to see those babies.