
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Ella and I were feeling like caged chickens searching for ways to fly the coop.  We googled outdoor things to do in Fayette County and hoped to find an off-the-grid naturescape to explore.  Ella said she found a chicken ranch (which seemed fitting), so we packed her nature bag and headed out the door.  She already had the location mapped in my phone, and off we went.  

Twenty minutes later we arrived at an empty field.  Puzzled, I pull over to search for details. Ummmm...the idea NEVER crossed my mind that she found THE Chicken Ranch brothel...THE Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Oh Lord "Have Mercy"!  I wasn't prepared to have that conversation, but we were slap dab in the middle of "that shack outside of LaGrange." (ZZ Top lyrics).  

We had a little chit chat before heading over to Plum Park on the Colorado River. This 40-acre park had sandy/rocky beaches along the river, boat launches, campsites, grills and hills.  We held hands soaking up sunshine as we walked along the river, even rolled down a few hills before moving on to our next google find. 

On our way, we happened upon the Sanctuary Serengeti and spent the rest of our day with some super cute animals.  

Needless to was a rocky cocky hilly silly wonky zonky zebra donkey kind of day.  

Hee Haw!

1 comment:

  1. that had to be an exhilarating adventure. Loved the pictures!
