
Friday, February 21, 2020

We earned our wings...

...chicken wings--that is.  Ella and I are officially country girls! 

Due to the graphic images in this post, viewer digression is advised;)

Today's field trip was at in Plum, TX.  One of our homeschool moms lives with her family on this wonderful organic small working farm.  

Today three of us homeschool moms--along with kids of all ages--rolled up our sleeves and humanely prepared 47 chickens from farm to table/freezer.  
I'm a rookie at this (and like it that way); the other two moms are way more seasoned.  In my mind, I was there to observe, Ella was there to participate.  Well, that ended up not being the case.  I have to tell you...when we first arrived upon the bloody scene, every inch of my being wanted to vomit.  Those who know me well know that I'm not really a big meat eater, and I never touch raw meat without gloves.  

As I stood there and fought back the urge to make my getaway, I couldn't help but notice these awesome moms/kids taking care of business (with their bare hands๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ™ˆ) and enjoying their time together.  

Ummm...not wanting to go home feeling completely inadequate, I convinced myself to do the right thing and get my hands entire body dirty, as well.  

So...I...did, and I survived.  AND, my family is having the freshest chicken dinner and salad (compliments of Plum Fabulous farm). AND, I will never look at chicken the same way ever again.  AND, I may never eat it again either. 

Let me be honest, I much preferred picking the lettuce from their beautiful garden over bird duty, but I've been invited back...and next time I won't be such a   
I obviously couldn't document the entire process from start to finish because I HAD BLOOD AND CHICKEN PARTS ON MY HANDS๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Good for you and Ella! So proud of you country girls. She will always respect where her food comes from.
