...quiets the mind, and leads us inward to seek direction and reflect on the passing of time.
For me, winter is also the celebration of another birthday--feet in the sand--enjoying true friendships and much-appreciated "me" time. This year, I found myself walking down a secluded beach combing for shells and sea glass, pondering the merciful coming together of the message in a spiritual book i'm reading and my own personal journey.
As the waves rolled in and sucked the sand right out from under my feet, I was humbly reminded that things get tugged away and nothing stays the same.
The path before me beckons:
to a newness that leaves behind the sweet and familiar of the past, into a period of waiting and stillness...
Darkness is crucial for growth...
...just as light emerges from darkness and the true self is born!
Thank you Jennifer (for providing the spiritual books that spoke to my heart and soul) and Virginia (for providing the perfect place to stand ankle deep in water and soak it all in).
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