
Friday, July 8, 2011

Infant Swim Resource (ISR)

According to a Health Day news article, "Drowning is the second-leading cause of death among US children ages 1 - 19, ... and they can drown even in the smallest body of water (toilet, baby pool, fountains, bathtub)."   Make water safety a priority and check out

Ella completed her first ISR Aquatic Survival Skills course last summer (at nine months) and starts her Swim/Float/Swim session Monday.  For a fantastic local ISR certified instructor, contact:

Summer 2010:  Survival Float (8 Months)
Before the course is complete, skills are tested in full summer/winter clothing to emulate real life situations.
Dropped in from the side...
Making the turn...

... and she floats!

Summer 2011:  Swim, Float, Swim (20 Months)

Week One Wrap Up: