
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kitchen Whopee with Ella B

Appreciating food and where it comes from starts at an early age.  When Ella was just a tot, we planted a small herb and vegetable garden in our back yard.  Before long, she was eating broccoli, tomatoes (and whatever was ready for harvest) straight off the plants.

Throughout our day, we made countless trips to the spice cabinet.  I'd pull out a jar, have her close her eyes, smell, and tell me the spice name.  Those small efforts, over a decade ago, awakened her senses and now she's my go-to girl, when I need to know what's missing in a meal I prepared.  With just a taste, she identifies what's in it and what's missing.  

She found spontaneous joy in helping in the kitchen early on, and now in between music, school work, and activities, her delight continues.  Whopee!!

Milling wheat berries for freshness
Tortilla Press
Pan fried puff;)
Air fried Tortilla Pizza (Before...
Cinnamon bread
Cinnamon Rolls
Whole wheat bread (Gail's basic bread recipe)

Salad with fermented kraut and fresh salsa
Cucumber salad
Beef Pho
Healthy version of magic bars

Both gardening and cooking teach critical thinking skills and conceptual understanding. They offer practical life application of math, science, literature, social studies, health and art.

When the world weirs and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden [...and kitchen]. Minnie Aumonier

Monday, August 19, 2024

High School Freshman

Ella's first day of 9th grade looked very different from our actual lesson plans. After reading posts from parents whose kiddos started school last week coupled with news of a tragic school-related accident, we deviated from our "plan." 

Turning off the early morning alarm before it sounded, I stared at my beautifully sweet teen sleeping peacefully. She looked as if the summer breathed a new level of maturity into her--her big bed no longer swallowing her.  I couldn't help but delay the inevitable and climb in for cuddles. "The Old Man and the Sea" could just continue fishing, and we would CATCH him later.

These are the times when being an older parent comes with special benefits. Grateful for a successful career, retirement, an amazing hubby, and the opportunity to homeschool, teach, follow and support my girl--without judgment, while she navigates the different stages of life. 

"Every day is a new day" (Hemmingway). I love watching her smile and grow into the fresh-faced teenager she’s become.  With over seven billion people on God's earth, SHE is the absolute perfect daughter for me.  Can't' wait to see what this year brings. 

Happy learning sweet girl from the Happiest [Mama] in the Whole USA;).  

Sunday, August 4, 2024

From Taverns to Tabernacle

Since Ella was six years old, she has performed in family-friendly taverns/venues in and around Texas/Louisiana/Oklahoma. At ten years old, she played on stage with Bobby Whitton at the Cotton Country Club in Granger, TX.  

The very moment we walked out of the club that night, she said, “wow, that is the best bar I’ve ever played in.” ๐Ÿ˜‚

We’re happy to announce a diversion from “tavern to tabernacle” (Rick Weiss).  Today, she performed with the band at Christ Lutheran Church in Brenham.  It was a joyful morning, and the congregation and band were welcoming/complimentary. She even left with a potential gig opportunity and offers to play with the church band again.   I call that the Lord’s work! 

Ironically, after all those years of playing in taverns, she had her first taste of real wine at 14 years old IN CHURCH.  ๐Ÿ˜œ #bloodofjesus

Thank you Ms. Vicki for inviting her to be a part of your team this morning.  Until next time, she will continue sharing her musical journey with all God’s people—no matter the venue. 





Monday, March 25, 2024

Montessori and practical life

From playing music at German festivals to building fences on the farm, Ella B gets the job done! 

Follow the child…and watch her light the way!

Sunday, November 26, 2023


"In the beginning" versus "Once upon a time" is where our ADVENTure begins, and it is a story far greater than any fairy tale ever told is true! 

Every year as Christmas nears, we anticipate and celebrate His birth through our homemade Jesse tree ornaments and/or a precious Advent wreath made by Ella during her early Montessori days.

We welcome this period of waiting, even more so since we are surrounded by a world of people who can't seem to wait for much of anything.  Our desires for instant gratification is ever-present with the rise in online shopping (Amazon), fast food, video games, etc.  

"Waiting is the hardest work of HOPE."  Jesse in the Bible experienced the miraculous impossible when his family tree (that looked more like a stump from failing God) eventually sprouted a new shoot of Hope.  

Waiting is where God prepares us for our next ADVENTure; growth is in our struggles.  It is when we become impatient and try to write our own story, that the ending falls short. 

This morning, we lit our candle of Hope, as a reminder that God's promise comes true, and He sends His son as a light in the world.  

We're thankful for men like Isaiah and Micah, who were faithful in their waiting for the light, when all around them was dark. 

"And now, O Lord, for what do I wait?  My hope is in YOU!  Psalm 39:7

Monday, September 25, 2023

Monday Zen Day


The past is over. 
The future may never be. 
The present is all that exists. 
Live each moment to the fullest.

After a crazy busy but oh-so-fun weekend of music, today Ella drew inspiration from her beloved childhood Buddha Board water painting set.  

Through this board, a zen garden, book of meditation, and yoga, Ella learned at an early age (thanks to the Montessori Method of "following the child") how to quiet her mind and body.  She learned to listen to her own needs, live in the moment and grasp the concept of letting go.  That's big for a 13 year old...I still struggle.  

Sometimes the noise of each day clouds our thoughts and minds.  Sometimes we need to be still.  I could tell today was one of those days when she pulled out her Buddha Board.  We were all feeling pretty zen, enjoying her creation coming to life and then watching it magically disappear..until...I walked out for a bit, came back in and heard Charlie Daniels blaring on the Victrola๐Ÿ˜œ 


All of the creating and disappearing reminded me of another Creator who came to life, disappeared into heaven, and left us with a clean slate.  

With HIM, each day--each moment--is a clean slate.  

Be still and know that I am God 

Psalms 46:10

Sunday, August 27, 2023

War and Peace

After spending hours of total history immersion at The Battle of the Bulge WAR museum in Belgium, it was wonderful to stumble upon the Woods of PEACE forest.  

Four thousand trees in the park, each tree representing a person. This is the spot of sacrifice, solemn intent to win at all cost, no matter the weather or other conditions. It is absolutely silent. There is no way to know what it was like to be a soldier who served here. Because of these brave soldiers, and their sacrifice, Europe is free. 

For all who served, we honor you!